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Covid-19 prayer


Prayers for Healing and Hope (COVID-19)

Prayers and Resources for Healing and Hope During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

During this Coronavirus pandemic, many are tempted to fear, anxiety and perhaps even despair.  Some have lost their precious lives, some have lost those whom they love, some have suffered through the debilitating effects of this illness, some have lost their jobs, their income, and most have encountered much disruption to the normal flow of their daily lives.

Every crisis in life is also an opportunity to turn to our beloved Savior in trust and complete abandonment so as to rest in His merciful hands.  To rest in the hands of God means we are secure, despite the uncertainty of life.  It means we are free to love God and others, despite the challenges we face. It means we raise our eyes to Heaven, rather than look down in fear.

The following prayers will help you as you seek to place your total trust in God:

Pope Francis Biography


Pope Francis was born Jorge Mario Bergoglio on Dec. 17, 1936 in Buenos Aires. His father was a railway worker who immigrated to Argentina from Italy, and his mother was a housewife of Italian origin. Bergoglio had four siblings. 

After earning a secondary school degree as a chemical technician, Bergoglio felt a call to the priesthood as a Jesuit, joining the novitiate in 1958, at the age of 22.

He was ordained a priest on Dec. 13, 1969. In 1973 he made his perpetual vows in the Society of Jesus and the same year was elected Jesuit provincial for Argentina. He would go on to serve as a seminary rector, a pastor, a professor, and a spiritual director.

In 1992 Fr. Bergoglio was consecrated an auxiliary bishop of the Buenos Aires archdiocese. He became the archdiocese’s coadjutor archbishop in 1997, and succeeded as archbishop the following year. St. John Paul II named Archbishop Bergoglio a cardinal in 2001.

As archbishop of Buenos Aires, Bergoglio was known for his humble demeanor. He stayed in a modest apartment and took public transit. He also showed a special regard for the poor, whom he frequently visited. 

As president of the Argentine bishops’ conference from 2005 to 2011, Bergoglio attended the Fifth Latin American Episcopal Conference held in Aparecida, Brazil in May 2007.

He was in charge of the drafting of the meeting’s final document, which came to be known as the Aparecida document, recognized as an important guiding document for the Church in Latin America and beyond.

On March 13, 2013, Bergoglio was elected to the papacy, at the age of 76. He was the first Jesuit and the first Latin American to become pope.

Pope Francis took office following the unexpected resignation of Benedict XVI. With few modifications, Francis published a final version of Benedict’s draft encyclical as his first: the 2013 work Lumen fidei.

The early months of the Francis papacy included several surprises, amplified by social media coverage which helped build his unanticipated popularity. 

His unexpected visit to the small Mediterranean Italian island of Lampedusa in July 2013 drew attention to the plight of undocumented African migrants who, at great risk, cross by sea to enter Europe. There, he echoed what has become a theme of his papacy: the criticism of the “globalization of indifference,” an attitude that forgets the sufferings of the marginalized, especially migrants and refugees.

Later, in his 2015 encyclical on the environment, Laudato si’, Francis also lamented a “throwaway culture” which idolizes profit and marginalizes the poor and unemployed. He suggested this mindset requires the elimination of human beings, the poor, the elderly, and the unborn. Laudato si’ also emphasized “care for our common home,” another recurring theme in Francis’ papacy. 

In the first seven years of his pontificate, the pope made over 30 international trips and visited more than 45 countries, including a July 2013 visit to Rio de Janeiro for World Youth Day, where he offered Mass for an estimated three million pilgrims on Copacabana Beach.

In May 2014 he made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land to mark the 50th anniversary of the meeting between St. Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras in Jerusalem.

He visited Sri Lanka and the Philippines, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as several Latin America and African countries in 2015.

Pope Francis visited Cuba and the U.S. in late 2015. During his U.S. visit he canonized Fr. Junipero Serra, a seventeenth-century Franciscan missionary to what is now the state of California. He also attended the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia.

In 2016, he traveled to Mexico, Greece, the South Caucasus, Poland, and Sweden. Many of his visits focused on ecumenism and interreligious dialogue.

The following year, he visited Egypt, Burma, and Bangladesh. His visit to Portugal marked the 100th anniversary of the Marian apparition at Fatima, and his trip to Colombia focused on the de-escalation of the armed conflict between the nation’s government and left-wing guerrillas.

In 2018 and 2019 he traveled to Switzerland, the World Meeting of Families in Ireland, the Baltic States, World Youth Day in Panama, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Romania, Mozambique, Madagascar, Mauritius, Thailand, and Japan. 

He also visited the Muslim-majority countries of Morocco and the United Arab Emirates. He was the first pope in history to travel to the Arabian peninsula. While there, he signed a joint statement on human fraternity with Ahmed el-Tayeb, Grand Imam of al-Azhar, which formed the basis of future Vatican interreligious initiatives.

During his trip to Peru and Chile in January 2018, Francis sparked an outcry when in comments to a reporter, he defended the then-bishop of Osorno, Chile, Bishop Juan Barros, who had been accused of colluding to cover up the abuse of the notorious abuser priest, Fernando Karadima.  
The following April the pope wrote a letter apologizing to Chile’s bishops for his mistakes in handling the sex abuse crisis in their country. He also invited the bishops to meet with him in Rome, a gathering which ended in all of Chile’s bishops presenting him with their resignations at the same time.

He accepted Bishop Juan Barros’ resignation in June 2018.

In February 2019 the pope hosted an unprecedented Vatican summit to discuss the sex abuse crisis and the protection of minors and vulnerable adults.

The four-day gathering included the president’s of the world’s bishops’ conferences and was followed three months later by the pope’s promulgation of “Vos estis lux mundi,” which created policy on sexual abuse allegations made against bishops.

Other major features of Francis’ papacy were the 2019 Synod on the Amazon and 2018 Youth synod. These were followed by the apostolic exhortations Querida Amazonia and Christus vivit.

Pope Francis also held Synods of Bishops on the family in 2014 and 2015. His post-synodal apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia, which was published in 2016, was met with a varied reception and interpretation within the Church.

Its eighth chapter, on accompanying, discerning, and integrating fragility dealt with, among other things, the pastoral care of the divorced-and-remarried. A footnote in that chapter led to uncertainties about the admission of the divorced-and-remarried to Communion.

Mercy is a prominent theme of Pope Francis’s pontificate. He made changes to the annulment process, aimed at removing some of the financial burden and shortening the process. 

He also declared the Jubilee Year of Mercy in the Church from December 2015 to November 2016.

In April 2018, he released the exhortation Gaudete et exsultate, which praised the “middle-class” of holiness. 

Francis canonized a number of saints, among them his predecessors John Paul II, John XXIII, and Paul VI. 

Soon after his election in 2013, Pope Francis established a committee of cardinals to advise him on reform of the Roman Curia, specifically, the drafting of a new apostolic constitution to replace the 1988 constitution Pastor bonus.

His reform included the consolidation of several dicasteries, the establishment of new offices, and efforts to modernize Vatican financial practices.

He established both the Secretariat for the Economy and the Secretariat for Communications, which was later renamed a dicastery. The Pontifical Councils for the Family and the Laity were suppressed and integrated into the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life; and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development subsumed the suppressed Pontifical Councils Cor Unum and for Health Care Workers, Justice and Peace, and Migrants.

In early 2020, Pope Francis responded to the global coronavirus outbreak by livestreaming and televising his weekly events, such as his daily Mass, Wednesday general audience and Sunday Angelus or Regina coeli, without the presence of the public.

The Vatican’s Holy Week, Triduum, and Easter celebrations were likewise held without a large public presence.

In response to the health emergency, the pope also gave a special address with Eucharistic adoration and an extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing in an empty St. Peter’s Square on the evening of March 27, 2020. 

St. James of the marches


St. James of the Marches was a Franciscan priest in the 15th century. He was born into a poor family in Monteprandone, Italy in 1391 and was educated by his uncle who was a priest. He continued his education, eventually achieving the degree of Doctor in Canon and Civil Law from the University of Perugia. He worked for some time as a tutor in a noble family, but on July 26, 1416, he was received into the order of Friars Minor in the Chapel of the Portiuncula in Assisi.

After completing his novitiate, he studied theology under St. Bernardine of Siena. On June 13, 1420, St. James was ordained a priest, and soon began to preach in Tuscany, in the Marches, and in Umbria. For half a century, he continued as a missionary and preacher. St James of the Marches preached penance, combated heretics, and was on legations in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Bohemia, Poland, Hungary, and Bosnia. He was also appointed inquisitor against the Fratelli, a heretic sect that dissented from the Franciscans on the vow of poverty, among other things. He was offered the See of Milan in 1460, but he refused it.

Inspired by St. Jame's apostolic example, more than 200 young men of Germany were impelled to enter the Franciscan Order. The crowds who came to hear him were so great that the churches were not large enough to accommodate them, and it became imperative for him to preach in the public squares. At Milan he was instrumental in converting 36 women of bad repute by a single sermon on St. Mary Magdalen. It is said that he brought 50,000 heretics into the Church and led 200,000 nonbelievers to baptism. In addition, God granted St James such wisdom that popes and princes sought counsel from him. He possessed the gifts or miracles and of prophesy in great measure, yet his humility surpassed all those distinctions. On Easter Monday, 1462, St. James, while preaching at Brescia, repeated the ideas of some theologians that the Precious Blood shed during the Passion was not united with the Divinity of Christ during the three days of His burial. He was accused of heresy for saying that, but no discussion or resolution was ever granted to his case, and the matter was ignored or forgotten. James spent the last three years of his life at Naples, and was buried there in the Franciscan church of St. Maria la Nuova, where his body can be seen today.

He was beatified by Urban VIII in 1624 and was canonized by Benedict XIII in 1726. Naples venerates him as one of its patron saints.

St. Catherine Laboure


Saint Catherine Laboure
On November 28, the Church honors St. Catherine Labouré, the humble Daughter of Charity to whom Mary appeared, requesting that the Miraculous Medal be stamped so that all who wear it would receive great graces.

Saint Catherine Labouré was born in France on May 2, 1806. She was the ninth of 11 children. Upon her mother’s death, when Catherine was eight years old, the young girl assumed the responsibilities of the household. It was said of her that she was a very quiet and practical child.

Eventually she became a Daughter of Charity, and when she was still a novice at the age of 24, the Virgin Mary appeared to her for the first time. Later, Mary appeared once again and requested that Catherine have a medal made portraying Mary just as she appeared.

It took two years before Catherine was able to convince her spiritual director to have the medal created, but eventually, he listened to her and 2,000 medals were made. Their dispersal was so rapid and effective that it was said to be miraculous itself.

After the visions ceased, St. Catherine Labouré spent the rest of her life in humble and obedient service as the portress, and worked with the sick in a convent outside of Paris. She spent that time in silence, not telling her superior that she was the one to whom Mary appeared and gave the medal until 45 years after.

She died in Paris on December 31, 1876 and was canonized in 1947 by Pope Pius XII. Her incorrupt body lies in the crypt of the convent.

Bible reading for today 28 November 2020

 Daily Mass Readings for Saturday, 28 November 2020

Ordinary Weekday / Optional Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary

First Reading: Revelation 22: 1-7

1 And he shewed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb.

2 In the midst of the street thereof, and on both sides of the river, was the tree of life, bearing twelve fruits, yielding its fruits every month, and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

3 And there shall be no curse any more; but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and his servants shall serve him.

4 And they shall see his face: and his name shall be on their foreheads.

5 And night shall be no more: and they shall not need the light of the lamp, nor the light of the sun, because the Lord God shall enlighten them, and they shall reign for ever and ever.

6 And he said to me: These words are most faithful and true. And the Lord God of the spirits of the prophets sent his angel to shew his servants the things which must be done shortly.

7 And, Behold I come quickly. Blessed is he that keepeth the words of the prophecy of this book.

Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 95: 1-2, 3-5, 6-7ab

1 Come let us praise the Lord with joy: let us joyfully sing to God our saviour.

2 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving; and make a joyful noise to him with psalms.

3 For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.

4 For in his hand are all the ends of the earth: and the heights of the mountains are his.

5 For the sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land.

6 Come let us adore and fall down: and weep before the Lord that made us.

7 For he is the Lord our God: and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand.

Gospel: Luke 21: 34-36

34 And take heed to yourselves, lest perhaps your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness, and the cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly.

35 For as a snare shall it come upon all that sit upon the face of the whole earth.

36 Watch ye, therefore, praying at all times, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that are to come, and to stand before the Son of man.

आज का पवित्र वचन 28 नवंबर 2020


28 नवंबर 2020
वर्ष का चौंतीसवाँ सामान्य सप्ताह, शनिवार


📒 पहला पाठ : प्रकाशना 22:1-7

1) इसके बाद उसने मुझे स्फटिक-जैसे संजीवन जल की नदी दिखायी, जो ईश्वर और मेमने के सिंहासन से बह रही थी।

2) नगर के चौक के बीचोंबीच बहती हुई नदी के तट पर, दोनों ओर एक जीवन-वृक्ष था, जो बारह बार, हर महीने एक बार, फल देता था। उस पेड़ के पत्तों से राष्ट्रों की चिकित्सा होती है।

3) वहाँ कुछ भी नहीं रहेगा, जो अभिशाप के यौग्य हो। वहाँ ईश्वर और मेमने का सिंहासन होगा। उसके सेवक उसकी उपासना करेंगे,

4) वे उसे आमने-सामने देखेंगे और उसका नाम उनके माथे पर अंकित होगा।

5) वहाँ फिर कभी रात नहीं होगी। उन्हें दीपक या सूर्य के प्रकाश की जरूरत नहीं होगी, क्योंकि प्रभु-ईश्वर उन्हें आलोकित करेगा और वे युग-युगों तक राज्य करेंगे।

6) उसने मुझ से कहा : ''ये बातें विश्वसनीय और सत्य हैं। जो नबियों को प्रेरित करता है, उस प्रभु-ईश्वर ने अपने दूत को भेजा है, जिससे वह अपने सेवकों को निकट भविष्य में होने वाली घटनाएं दिखायें।

7) ''देखो, मैं शीघ्र ही आऊँगा। धन्य है वह, जो इस पुस्तक की भविष्यवाणी का ध्यान रखता है!''

📙 सुसमाचार : लूकस 21:34-36

34) "सावधान रहो। कहीं ऐसा न हो कि भोग-विलास, नशे और इस संसार की चिन्ताओं से तुम्हारा मन कुण्ठित हो जाये और वह दिन फन्दे की तरह अचानक तुम पर आ गिरे;

35) क्योंकि वह दिन समस्त पृथ्वी के सभी निवासियों पर आ पड़ेगा।

36) इसलिए जागते रहो और सब समय प्रार्थना करते रहो, जिससे तुम इन सब आने वाले संकटों से बचने और भरोसे के साथ मानव पुत्र के सामने खड़े होने योग्य बन जाओ।"

📚 मनन-चिंतन

आज जिस युग, जिस समय में हम जी रहें है, वह एक तैयारी का समय है जहॉं पर हम सभी को प्रभु येसु के दूसरे आगमन तक सावधान रहते हुए तैयार रहना है। इस बात को संत लूकस बहुत ही अच्छी तरह से आज के सुमाचार अध्याय 21ः34-36 में बताते हैं, वे कहते हैं, ‘‘सावधान रहो। कहीं ऐसा न हो कि भोग-विलास, नशे और इस संसार की चिन्ताओं से तुम्हारा मन कुण्ठित हो जाये और वह दिन फन्दे की तरह अचानक तुम पर आ गिरे, क्योंकि वह दिन समस्त पृथ्वी के सभी निवासियों पर आ पड़ेगा इसलिए जागते रहो और सब समय प्रार्थना करते रहो, जिससे तुम इन सब आने वाले संकटों से बचने और भरोसे के साथ मानव पुत्र के सामने खड़े होने योग्य बन जाओ।’’

यह वचन हम सभी से यह प्रश्न करता है कि जब मानव पुत्र आयेगा तो क्या हम अपने आपको उसके सामने खड़े होने योग्य पायेंगे। यदि हमें मानव पुत्र के सामने खड़े होने योग्य बनना है तो हमें भोग-विलास, नशे और इस संसार की चिन्ताओं से दूर रहते हुए जागते रहने एवं प्रार्थनामय जीवन बिताने की जरूरत हैं। आईये इन बिंदुओं पर हम मनन चिंतन करें।

संसार की वस्तुएॅं हमें हमारे उपयोग तथा हमारी सहायता हेतु प्रदान की गई है परंतु जब हम उनका अत्यधिक या जरूरत से ज्यादा उपयोग करने लग जाते है तो वह भोग-विलास मंे परिवर्तित हो जाता है। नशा- नशा एक ऐसी प्रवृत्ति है जो हमारे सोचने समझने की शक्ति को कम कर देता है और कोई कोई उस नशे में इतने लिप्त हो जाते है कि कहॉं जा रहे है, क्या बोल रहें है, क्या कर रहें हैं और उनका लक्ष्य क्या है सब भूल जाते है। नशा केवल मादक पादार्थ पीने से ही नहीं परंतु नशा कई प्रकार के हो सकते हैं- जैसे अमीरी का नशा, शौहरत का नशा, वासना का नशा, झूठी तारीफ पाने का नशा, काम का नशा, चोरी का नशा, झूठ बोलने का नशा, क्रोध का नशा इत्यादि-इत्यादि। संसार की चिंता-संसार की चिंता हमारा वर्तमान का समय हम से छीन लेती है जिस कारण हमें अभी क्या करना है हम वह न करके उस चिंता में डूब जाते हैं।

इन तीनों चीज़ो को छोड़कर हमें जागते रहने और प्रार्थना करने की जरूरत हैं- जागना अर्थात् पूरे होश और हवास में रहकर अपने कार्य करना, पूरे होश और सोच समझकर जींदगी के निर्णय लेना। शत्रु के हर बाण को जागते हुए ही सामना करना। जिस प्रकार संत पेत्रुस अपने पहले पत्र 5ः8-9 में कहते हैं, ’’आप संयम रखें और जागते रहें! आपका शत्रु, शैतान, दहाड़ते हुए सिंह की तरह विचरता है और ढूॅंढ़ता रहता है कि किसे फाड़ खाये। आप विश्वास में दृढ़ हो कर उसका सामना करें।’’ हमें प्रभु में विश्वास करने के साथ जागते रहने की जरूरत हैं। सब समय प्रार्थना करते रहना- सब समय प्रार्थना करते रहने का मतलब है निरंतर प्रभु से जुड़े रहना निरंतर प्रभु से रिश्ता बनाये रखना क्योंकि प्रार्थना का मतलब ही प्रभु से वार्तालाप कर एक रिश्ता बनाना है। हम प्रभु से तभी जुड़ सकते है जब हमारा मन, ह्दय, आत्मा, शरीर शुद्ध हों। हमें अपने आप को शुद्ध करने के लिए निरंतर प्रयास करते रहना चाहिए।

आईये हम संसार की असारता को दूर रख कर विश्वास में दृढ़ बने तथा निरंतर अपने आप को मन वचन कर्मों से शुद्ध करते रहें जिससे हम भरोसे के साथ मानव पुत्र के सामने खड़े होने योग्य बन जायें। आमेन


The era and the time in which we are living today is the time of preparing where we have to prepare ourselves by remaining alert till the second coming of Lord Jesus. St. Luke explains this very well in today’s gospel 21:34-36, “ Be on guard so that your hearts are not weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this life, and that day does not catch you unexpectedly, like a trap. For it will come upon all who live on the face of the whole earth. Be alert at all times, praying that you may have the strength to escape all these things that will take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

These verses question each one of us whether we will be able to stand before the Son of Man when He comes. If we want to make ourselves worthy to stand in front of the Son of Man then we have to be alert and live prayerful life by keeping away all the dissipation, drunkenness and worries of this life. Let’s reflect on these points.

The things of this world are given to us as a help or to use them properly but when we try to overuse them or too much long for them then it becomes an obsession or dissipation. Drunkenness is that which lessens the ability to think and understand and when someone is fully drunk or fully intoxicated then they do not know where they are going, what they are saying, what they are doing and takes themselves away from the goal and purpose of life. Intoxication or drunkenness is not only caused by drinking alcohol but one can be intoxicated by many things: like some can be intoxication by richness, intoxication of popularity, intoxication of lust, intoxication of false praise, intoxication of work, intoxication of stealing, intoxication of lies, intoxication of anger and so on and so forth. Worries of the life- worries of the life steals away our present time that instead of doing what we have to do at present we are lost in worries and how to solve the worries.

Leaving all these three things of the world we need to be alert and praying all the time. Alert means to do our work in full consciousness or to take the decisions of life in full consciousness and with full understanding. As St. Peter in his first letter 5:8-9 says, “Discipline yourselves, keep alert, like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour. Resist him, steadfast in your faith.” This tells us that we have to remain alert with our strong faith in Jesus. Praying- Praying means to remain united with God to live in the relationship with God because Prayer in itself means to establish a relationship with God through our daily conversation. We can be united to God only when our minds, hearts, bodies and souls are holy or purified. We have to always try all possible means in order to purify ourselves.

Let’s become strong in faith and continuously purify our minds, words and deeds by keeping away all the impermanence of this world so that we may be able to stand in faith when the Son of Man comes. Amen!

 -Br. Biniush Topno

Praise the Lord!


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St. Francesco Antonio Fasani Feast day: November 27

 St. Francesco Antonio Fasani

Feast day: November 27

St. Francesco Antonio Fasani

St. Francesco (Francis) Antonio Fasani was born as Giovanneillo in Lucera, Italy in 1681, the son of Giuseppe Fasani and Isabella Della Monaca. He entered the Conventual Franciscans in 1695 and took the names of St. Francis and St. Anthony. He spent much of his time studying, and was ordained a priest 10 years after entering the order. He then taught philosophy to younger friars, served as the guardian of his friary, and later became provincial of his order. When his term of office as provincial ended, Francesco became a novice-master, and eventually pastor in his hometown. In all his various ministries, he was loving, devout and penitential. He was a sought-after confessor and preacher. One witness at the canonical hearings regarding Francesco’s holiness testified, "In his preaching he spoke in a familiar way, filled as he was with the love of God and neighbor; fired by the Spirit, he made use of the words and deed of Holy Scripture, stirring his listeners and moving them to do penance." Francesco showed himself a loyal friend of the poor, never hesitating to seek from benefactors what was needed. He was also a mystic, known for his deep prayer life and supernatural gifts, and was known to levitate while praying. The people of Lucera were known to compare him with St. Francis of Assisi, from whom he derived his name. He died in 1742 and was canonized in 1986.